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It seems a bit of an oxymoron have to work so hard at taking it easy, but I am having to do just that. Trying to find those thermals to drift upon. That downhill part of the hike, but any hiker will tell you the downhill portions are the killers.

“Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something and that this thing must be attained.” Marie Curie

Don’t get me started on the search for the gift, that can be a real uphill hike.

Peace out….monos en theos ††† jasL


We headed out to Hagerman once again yesterday. The ground was a flood of Snow Geese. They would at some unknown to me signal to take flight. They seemed to be doing practice flight patterns whereby they would fly in circles and sometimes a gaggle would form a loose “V” formation. Just as quickly they would break up and all slowly without any pattern or plan all land once again. Then repeat the process again in thirty minutes or so.

With the current degree of turmoil in the world, It was majestic and to say the least, peaceful to watch nature’s mystery.

Shades of Gray from Grayson Co, TX #887 – Blah, Blah, Blah…


Just having a hard time with my finding images. My eyes just fail to see.

It all  seems so, I don’t know, bland, boring, l and only worth half an effort.

Been reading a lot about Eugene Smith, Dorthea Lange and the I watched the movie “Salt of the Earth” a story about the photographer Salgado. If you are a photographer and have not seen it, treat yourself, but be prepared to feel pretty tiny after watching it. I just have this overwhelming feeling of a wasted life, wrong choices, just feeling very small. I chased too many material ideals and I even failed at that.

So here is another frigging flower. It is what us old guys fall back on when all else fails. I used to hate flowers images ( except for Georgia O’Keefe) and now it is my go to small choice…….monos en theos….james

Shades of Gray from Grayson Co, TX #880 – You got to find your path!

15630 comp play ©

I am having fun working in my Kelly Rae Roberts e-course on mixed media and collages. I still have not really dove into the mixed media part of the class. Some of it is fear and some of it is just the comfort of working in a familiar tool: Photoshop. Plus it gives me a venue to see some of my old images in a new way. Or hell, maybe it is just being lazy. Anyhow, my latest effort was done just for fun. Plus I got to discover and read a little of J Cole. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._Cole  Not someone I had ever known and works in a genre that I would not normally put my ear to. Warning, not all his lyrics are this calm and nice.

monos en theos ††† james work

Shades of Gray from Grayson Co, TX #878 – Slowly getting my #$&* together, very slowly

it never 2 comp ©

While it is using some old images, I’ve been playing with the magic powers of Photoshop CS6. Working on finding a new route eventual into collage and multi-medium creations. Taking an online course with Kelly Rae Roberts,(http://www.kellyraeroberts.com/) who just does some blow me away work and trying to find new avenues to travel.

“I get symptoms . . . I’ll start to get in trouble . . . When you don’t do your work, vices start to creep into your life—and they get worse and worse and worse. They start out with potato chips and wind up with crack smoking or something like that.”  Steven Pressfield. (http://www.stevenpressfield.com)

Find you path!    monos en theos