Ah, to find comfort with yourself

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Following my recent panic attack, that was probably one of the worst I have ever had, I am working hard to get that peaceful easy feeling. To rest in the comfort of me.

I had someone email me a great story about panic attacks that gave me a chuckle so here is a share:

A man once had panic attacks, but eventually, with much struggle, stopped having them. Years later, he ended up in a hospital, pain in his chest, and his doctor comes in to explain that he had had a heart attack. The man says, “Thanks God! I thought the panic attacks had come back!”

You just gotta  find a way to find comfort in your discomfort!

monos en theos ††† jasL

9 thoughts on “ Ah, to find comfort with yourself

  1. I think it’s very difficult to get rid of panic attacs. I used to have a time when I had claustrophobia and couldn’t visit big shopping malls for more than some minutes. Fortunately, it disappeared by itself. But I would recommend a good therapist.

    1. Mitza…….no matter what I have tried, nothing seems to be able to stop them nor can I predict them. This one came while watching Downton Abby. I guess I could blame it on Lady Mary, she is always stirring up something.

      1. but you didn’t loose your humor, that’s good. But I’m sure and hope that there must be some help for you. That’s not a good way to leed a life. I wish you a lot of luck for the future.

  2. Mitza……humor has always been ez for me. It has been both my wall and blanket of protection. I was the class clown. I have always used humor as a means to deflect arrows.
    No,panic attacks are not the greatest way to lead a life, but we all have our handicaps. There are stronger drugs for the problem, but they would put me in a fog and probably hamper my sense of humor and I need that shield.
    …….thanx so much for your caring comments, they made my heart feel warm…….en theos…..jasL

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